
Artist, they/them
I love creating in all its forms, and can frequently be found doodling in a sketchbook or daydreaming off into space.
Feel free to take a look at the gallery, and if you're interested in commissions or have a project in the works, shoot me an email and I'll get back to you asap!

Art Gallery

(click on images for best quality)


Springtrap Cosplay

Inspired by the daughter's FNAF fanatacism, I'm building a set of costumes inspired by the games. Progress photos coming soon!

Completed ProjectsParentStuck: A Guardian Zine (Artist)
DirkJake Big Bang 2k21 - Bedtime Story & Illustration (Illustrator)
Felt Card Project & Credits (Artist)
Gutsy Gumzine (Artist)
Humanstuck Zine (Artist, Mod)
Impro8a8le Girls Zine (Artist, Mod)

Thank you <3